Monday, May 02, 2005

Bald Cardinal .... Poor thing!

Bald Cardinal

Turns out...

Well, it turns out that Marty's rash is probably not Lyme related... but the doc put him on a short dose (10 days) of antibiotics anyway... Just in case. Marty has a cold though and isn't feelin' so red-hot. Quite the pair we are, huh?

Well, tomorrow, we'll be back out in the yard and finishing up one of the fence lines. Oh did I mention? I'm building new fence (from scratch) and Marty's helping me put the posts in. Yay...soon there will be no more chain link fence...wooo hooo! ..Can't wait to sit out there and enjoy our new flowers, and veggies...and...bird feeders. Oh...Speaking of birds... We went birding In Cape May yesterday (met a lovely woman from Flickr and her daughter and their friend). We were able to add a Black and White Warbler (got pictures to prove it) to our life lists and we saw this poor, sad Cardinal. Can you elieve this poor thing? It seems that he completely molted around his whole head at once, which is probably due to mites (can't clean them off their heads) so... They end up looking like this.