Saturday, April 30, 2005

Uh oh

Another bite and rash...this time it's on Marty. He started to not feel well today but we're not sure yet if it's Lyme (or other tick borne) disease that's the cause of it. He's waiting until Monday to go to the doc's. I'll share my drugs in the meantime. Sure hope it's nothing...but it was caught early, even if it is... so no need to worry too much.

For now, we're looking forward to getting some time out and head to Cape May for some birding. We're planning on meeting up with a gal we've met through Flickr. She lives in the Chesapeake Bay Area, so it's a good in-between spot and there's supposed to be great birding there right now due to shore bird migration.

Still learning how to use my camera and some darkroom technology. Some days it's almost overwhelming. I have so much to learn!


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